NYWBA Annual Awards and Installation Dinner


May 2, 2016 6:00 pm

Three Sixty°

Please join us to celebrate the New York Women’s Bar Association’s

2016 Annual Awards and Installation

 The President’s Special Award will be presented to

Cecile Richards
President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America

 Monday, May 2, 2016
Three Sixty°
10 Desbrosses Street, 
Tribeca, New York

 Cocktails and Silent Auction to benefit the NYWBA Foundation
and its 
Hon. Betty Weinberg Ellerin Fellowship
at 6:00 p.m.

Dinner and Program at 7:15 p.m.

Deborah G. Rosenthal will be installed as 2016-17 NYWBA President

Incoming Officers to be Installed

Amy B. Goldsmith, Vice President
Andrea Vacca, Vice President
Virginia A. LoPreto, Vice President
Jean J. Han, Treasurer
Amanda B. Norejko, Recording Secretary
Magnolia D. Levy, Corresponding Secretary

Incoming Board of Directors to be Installed

Jennifer P. Brown                                Julie Hyman
Dawn M. Cardi                                      Hon. Kelly O’Neill Levy
Felice B. Ekelman                                Morgan Fraser Mouchette
Myra L. Freed                                         Victoria A. Turchetti
Hon. Judith J. Gische

Directors Continuing In Office

Michael W. Appelbaum                        Hon. Sherry Klein Heitler
Yacine Barry-Wun                                 Jocelyn L. Jacobson
Leona Beane                                          Kay Marmorek
Elizabeth A. Bryson                                   Susan M. Moss
Hon. Laura E. Drager                           Francesca A. Sabbatino
Catherine M. Foti                                 Amy Saltzman

NYWBA Members of WBASNY Board to be Installed

Yacine Barry-Wun                                 Julie Hyman
Jennifer P. Brown                                 Virginia A. LoPreto
Elizabeth A. Bryson                              Marjorie A. Martin
                           Dawn M. Cardi                               Hon. Jacqueline W. Silbermann
      Jo Ann Douglas                                     Hon. Lisa A. Sokoloff
Hon. Betty Weinberg Ellerin

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